Sunday, September 28, 2008

Film Review: The Stepford Wives

I must preface this with a disclaimer. There are spoilers here in my commentary. But this film is so bad - that nothing could "spoil" it more than just plain watching it...

This film just plain stinks. It's a great cast, re-doing a classic thriller, for no reason at all. There are so many continuity errors in the context of the story that it's an embarrassment. There are so many unfinished elements that enable so many questions: Were these women disposed of and had robots made in their image, with a June Cleaver makeover? Or did they just have a chips in their brain? If so, then why did Bette's hand burn? Why did that other wife spit out cash? Why did Faith Hill send off sparks when she went kablooie during the Square Dance? Why did Nicole Kidman's character see her own robotic image if these women weren't robots? So, Walken was a robot? I though we were working with computer chips here. Most importantly, why didn't robo-dog get de-robotized when the gigg was up and turn back into a real dog, like the women did? Poor thing.

Holy Moly - this film is a mess. It's definitely a punch in the stomach regarding the role of gender in today's society. It shows men in a very bad light, and doesn't help women either. It's so patronizing to the fair sex it's silly. It also satirizes Conservatism big time. I'm no conversative, but please...could this film have more Hollywood liberalism? I want entertainment, not political commentary. This movie is inconsistant, amaturish, insulting, pandering, and that's just the first few scenes! I could go on....give me a dictionary - I need more words! What is so disappointing is that this could have been better. The story, if written well, could have used Walken, Close, Midler, Kidman and Broderick's talents to a satisfying end. This film is highly recommended viewing for those film students who want to know how NOT to make a movie. Also recommended for those who wish to view the equivelent of a train wreck - just for morbid curiosity.

The best part was the dog.

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