Sunday, September 28, 2008

DVD Review: Jeff Buckley - Live in Chicago

I have never had the opportunity to see Jeff play live when he was alive. Although I've been and always will be captivated by his recorded material, I was slightly disappointed by this concert. Perhaps that's my fault. With all the gusto and drama of Buckley's voice, I imagined him along the lines of early Springsteen, where he would seamlessly weave story and song on stage to the point of performance art. It was interesting to see that Jeff's song breaks concentrated more on adjusting amp levels and guitar tuning than story telling or posturing. That's not a bad thing. Jeff jokes and spares with the audience in a down to earth way, inflicting more drama in his songs than in the moments in between them. Less can be more in this case because once's he slamming and crooning a song, you're mesmerized. Indeed, my disappointment was short lived.

The sound quality isn't as good as it could be. I had to turn up my speakers to get a concert-like sound. However, if you're a Jeff fan - this is an important performance to add to your collection. Since Jeff was only with us briefly, every precious moment captured on video or film is a treasure. I recommend this highly. Just don't expect the greatest sound, and look for the magic in the songs.

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